Research website of Dr Gilbert Price

Conference presentations

51. Price, G.J., Cramb, J., Louys, J., Feng, Y.-x. 2017. Palaeontology of northeastern Australian caves. 17th International Congress of Speleology, Sydney, Australia, 69.

50. Travouillon, K.J., Price, G.J., Cramb, J., Louys, J., Hocknull, S., Archer, M. & Hand, S. 2015. Building a biogeographic map of the fossil bandicoots and bilbies from Pliocene and Quaternary deposits of Australia,  15th Conference  on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology & Systematics,  58.

49. Butler, K., Travouillon, K.J., Price, G.J., Archer, M. & Hand, S. 2015,Revision of Ganawamaya and Nambaroo, fanged kangaroos (Marsupialia: Macropodiformes, Balbaridae) from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, northwestern Queensland, 15th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology & Systematics, p. 26.

48. Travouillon, K.J. , Price, G.J., Cramb, J. and Louys, J. 2015. Fossil bandicoots and bilbies from Quaternary cave deposits of north-eastern Australia: implication for understanding climatic changes and extinction dynamics in the late Pleistocene. XIX INQUA, Nagoya, Japan, H22-13.

47. Price, G.J. Investigating human-megafaunal interactions in late Quaternary tropical Australia. Australian Archaeological Association Conference, ‘Culture, Climate, Change: Archaeology in the Tropics’, Cairns, Australia, 1st-3rd December 2014.

46. Price, G.J., Louys, J., Cramb, J., Feng, Y-.x., and Nguyen, A. 2014. Tracking Australian Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions through the tropics. 74th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Estrel Berlin, Germany, 5-8th November 2014, Abstracts: 208.

45. Louys, J., Price, G.J., and Herries, A. 2014. New investigations of the Pliocene-aged vertebrate bearing beds of the Chinchilla Sand Formation, northeastern Australia. 74th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Estrel Berlin, Germany, 5-8th November 2014, Abstracts: 171.

44. Price, G.J. Is the extinction of Australia’s Pleistocene megafauna an archaeological problem? UQ-UWA Zooarchaeology Symposium, The University of Queensland, Australia, 26th-28th May 2014, p. 5.

43. Price, G.J. Science lessons from the prehistoric classroom. Abstract, 2014 Beginning & Pre-service Teachers Conference, Science Teachers Association of Queensland, 1/5/2014, CSIRO Ecosciences Precinct, Dutton Park, Brisbane.

42. Price, G.J. Using social media to connect with undergraduate Earth Science students. In: Programs and Abstract, 3rd Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network Meeting, 23-24 January 2014, Brisbane, Australia. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts, 108: 14.

41. Ferguson, K.J., Price, G.J., Feng, Y.-x., Zhao, J.-x., Higgins, P., Nguyen, A.D. and Louys, J. 2013. Reconstructing the life history of the extinct Pleistocene mega-marsupial Diprotodon optatum. Abstracts, 14th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, 30th September – 4th October, Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia: 36.

40. Herries, A., Louys, J., Pickering R., Jourdan, F., Price, G.J., and Osborne, R.A.L. 2013. Dating the Plio–Pleistocene vertebrate fossil record using palaeomagnetism as part of a multi-disciplinary dating strategy: examples from South Africa, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Abstracts, 14th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, 30th September – 4th October, Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia: 42.

39. Louys, J., Cramb, J., Feng, Y.-x., Herries, A.I.R., Higgins, P., Hocknull, S.A., Nguyen, A., Price, G.J., Travouillon, K.J., Webb, G., and Zhao, J.-x. 2013. Multi-proxy palaeoecological and geochronological investigations of select late Cenozoic vertebrate palaeontology localities of central-eastern Australia. Abstracts, 14th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, 30th September – 4th October, Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia: 55-56.

38. Price, G.J., Feng, Y.-x., Zhao, J.-x., Joannes-Boyau, R., and Nguyen, A.D. 2013. Application of U-series dating to vertebrate fossil deposits and palaeontological collections. Abstracts, 14th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, 30th September – 4th October, Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia: 70.

37. Price, G.J., Louys, J., Cramb, J., and Godthelp, H. 2013. Faunal responses to climate change and environmental perturbations through the late Cenozoic in northeastern Australia. Abstracts, 14th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, 30th September – 4th October, Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia: 70-71.

36. Price, G.J. 350 thousand years of climate change and environmental perturbations in Queensland, Australia. Abstracts of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p. 780.

35. Price, G.J., Webb, G.E., Hellstrom, J.C., Murray, A.S., Feng, Y.-x., Zhao, J.-x., and Sobbe, I. 2012. Is Neds Gully really the youngest Pleistocene megafauna deposit in Australia? Abstracts of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p. 3500.

34. Black, K.H., Price, G.J., Archer, M., Hand, S.J., and Godthelp, H. 2012. Bearing up well: the koala’s 24 million-year-old family tree. Abstracts of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p. 122.

33. Nothdurft, L., Major, J., Leonard, N., Zhao, J.-x., Price, G.J., Welsh, J., Webb, G., and Hua, Q. 2012. Life and death of Holocene reefs of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Abstracts of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p. 1686.

32. Montanari, S., Louys, J., and Price, G.J. Pliocene paleoenvironments of southeastern Queensland, Australia inferred from stable isotopes of marsupial tooth enamel. Abstracts of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p. 295.

31. Eickoff, C., Nothdurft, L., Feng, Y.-x., Hocknull, S.A., Price, G.J., Webb, G.E., Welsh, K., Drysdale, R., and Zhao, J.-x. 2012. Millennial-scale variability in east Australian precipitation observed in central eastern Queensland speleothem. Abstracts of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p. 1203.

30. Hocknull, S.A. Cramb, J., Gilbert J. Price, 2011. Quaternary minifauna extinctions in northern Australia – the growing list. Geological Survey of Western Australia 2011, CAVEPS Perth 2011,13th conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, April 27th–30th: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2011/9: 49.

29. Gilbert J. Price, Webb, G.E. 2011. Pleistocene and Holocene extinctions. Geological Survey of Western Australia 2011, CAVEPS Perth 2011,13th conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, April 27th–30th: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2011/9: 65. (This was an invited Keynote address for the conference)

28. Gilbert J. Price, Webb, G.E., Hellstrom, J.C., Murray, A.S., Feng, Y.-x., Zhao, J.-x., Sobbe, I.H. 2011. Integrated chronology for the Neds Gully Pleistocene megafauna deposit, Darling Downs, southeastern Queensland. Geological Survey of Western Australia 2011, CAVEPS Perth 2011,13th conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaentology and Systematics, April 27th–30th: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2011/9: 64.

27. Gilbert J. Price, 2011. Caves and fossils: Chillagoe’s ancient window into Australia’s prehistoric past. Chillicon 18-22 April (Australian Speleological Society Conference), Chillagoe. Electronic Abstracts Resource. (I was an invited speaker at this conference)

26. Cramb, J., Gilbert J. Price, Hocknull, S.H. 2011. Fossils from the Chillagoe caves: a historical review. Chillicon 18-22 April (Australian Speleological Society Conference), Chillagoe. Electronic Abstracts Resource.

25. Hua,Q., Webb, G.E., Zhao, J.-x., Nothdurft, L. Gilbert J. Price. 2011. Variations in marine reservoir corrections for the Great Barrier Reef during the last 7000 years. Twelfth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, 20-25 March 2011, New Zealand at the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa).

24. Northdurft, L.D., Webb, G.E., Opdyke, B.N., Gilbert J. Price, Zhao, J.-x. 2010. Keep up, catch up or give up: implications of shallow transect coring, Heron Reef,Great Barrier Reef,Australia. 2010 Australian Earth Sciences Convention (AESC), Geological Society ofAustralia, 4-8 July, National Convention Centre,Canberra,Australian Capital Territory. Abstracts: 231-232.

23. Yu, K., Zhao, j.-x., Shi, Q., Gilbert J. Price, Chen, T.-R., Zhang, H. Intensified massive coral mortality since 1860 AD In the southern South China Sea. 2010 Australian Earth Sciences Convention (AESC), Geological Society ofAustralia, 4-8 July, National Convention Centre,Canberra,Australian Capital Territory. Abstracts: 55-56.

22. Price, Gilbert J., Webb, G.E., Zhao, J-x.,  Feng, Y.-x., Hocknull, S.A. 2009. Pre-human climatic forcing for late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction: evidence from the Darling Downs, eastern Australia  69th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 23-26th September 2009, Abstracts: 167A.

21. Price, Gilbert J., Feng, Y.-x., and Zhao, J.x. 2009. Systematic U/Th dating of Australia’s most northerly Pleistocene megafauna: Palorchestes azael from Tea Tree Cave, northeastern Queensland. In. Travouillon, K.J., Worthy, T.H., Hand, S.J., and Creaser, P. (Eds.) Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics 2009. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 93: 78.

20. Price, Gilbert J. and Piper, K.J. 2009. Building giants during the Pleistocene: Body size evolution of the Australian Diprotodon (Marsupialia; Diprotodontoidea). In. Travouillon, K.J., Worthy, T.H., Hand, S.J., and Creaser, P. (Eds.) Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics 2009. Geological Society ofAustralia, Abstracts 93: 77.

19. Price, Gilbert J., Sobbe, I.H., and Wilkinson, J.E. 2009. Determining the significance of Ned’s Gully in the Australian Pleistocene megafauna extinction debate. In. Travouillon, K.J., Worthy, T.H., Hand, S.J., and Creaser, P. (Eds.) Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics 2009. Geological Society ofAustralia, Abstracts 93: 51.

18. Price, Gilbert J., Webb, G.E., Zhao, J-x.,  Feng, Y.-x., Hocknull, S.A., Sobbe, I.H., and Cooke, B.N. 2009. Climatic forcing for Late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction: evidence from the Darling Downs, eastern Australia In. Travouillon, K.J., Worthy, T.H., Hand, S.J., and Creaser, P. (Eds.) Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics 2009. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 93: 50.

17. Price, Gilbert J. (Invited speaker) 2007. Climatic forcing for Pleistocene megafaunal extinction: Evidence from easternAustralia. In: Cupper, M.L. and Gallagher, S.J. (Eds.) Selwyn Symposium 2007, Climate Change or Human Impact? Australia’s Megafaunal Extinction, Geological Society of Australia, Victoria Division, Extended Abstracts, 79: 25-29.

16. Price, Gilbert J. Webb, G.E., Hocknull, S.A., Zhao, J.-x., Feng, Y.-x., Sobbe, I.H., and Cooke, B.N. 2007. Climatic forcing for Pleistocene megafaunal extinction: Evidence from the Darling Downs, southeastern Queensland, Australia. In: Catto, N.R. (Ed.) 17th INQUA Congress. The Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary. Quaternary International (Abstracts) 167-168: 332.

15. Webb. G.E., Price, Gilbert J., Nothdurft, L.D., Deer, L.. Bostrom, T.E. and Rintoul, L. 2007. Paradoxes in carbonate diagenesis: Implications for radiocarbon dating and trace element and stable isotope archives in terrestrial clams and marine corals. In: Catto, N.R. (Ed.) 17th INQUA Congress. The Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary. Quaternary International (Abstracts) 167-168: 442-443.

14. Zhao, J.-x. Feng, Y.-x., Hocknull, S.A., Deer, L., Price, Gilbert J., and Webb, G.E. 2007. Speleothems from Mt. Etna, central Queensland, Australia: Archives of climate change during the last 500,000 years. In: Catto, N.R. (Ed.) 17th INQUA Congress. The Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary. Quaternary International (Abstracts) 167-168: 474.

13. Price, Gilbert J. 2007. Diprotodon dynasties: towards an understanding of the taxonomy and palaeobiology of the largest-ever marsupial (Diprotodontoidea, Marsupialia). In: Warren, A. (Ed.) 11th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics (Museum of Victoria, Victoria, 10-13th April 2007). Geological Society ofAustralia, Abstracts 85: 37.

12. Price, Gilbert J., Zhao, J. Feng, Y. and Hocknull, S.A. 2007. Constructing a spatially-constrained chronology of megafauna evolution and extinction in eastern Australia. In: Warren, A. (Ed.) 11th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics (Museum of Victoria, Victoria, 10-13th April 2007). Geological Society ofAustralia, Abstracts 85: 39.

11. Price, Gilbert J. and Hocknull, S.A. 2007. Koala conundrums: a new species of middle Pleistocene Madakoala (Phascolarctidae, Marsupialia) has implications for fossil vertebrates as biocorrelative tools. In: Warren, A. (Ed.) 11th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics (Museum of Victoria, Victoria, 10-13th April 2007). Geological Society ofAustralia, Abstracts 85: 58-59.

10. Price, Gilbert J., 2007. Exploring Australian Plio-Pleistocene megafauna chronologies: pre-human geographic range contractions of Diprotodon and Zygomaturus (Diprotodontidae, Marsupialia). 5th Southern Connection Conference, South Australia, 21-25 January 2007. 54.

9.  Price, Gilbert J., Webb, G.E., Hocknull, S.A., Zhao, J.-x., Feng, Y.-x, Sobbe, I.H. and Cooke, B.N. 2006. New ages for Pleistocene megafauna deposits of southeastQueensland. Riversleigh 2006 Research Symposium. 33.

8.  Price, Gilbert J., 2006. Pleistocene palaeoecology: Towards an understanding of habitat change, species extinction, and chronologies on the Darling Downs, southeastern Queensland, Australia. Abstracts, 10th Conference on Australian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics.NaracoorteCaves World Heritage Area,South Australia, 29 March–2 April 2005. Alcheringa Special Issue 1: 460-461.

7.  Price, Gilbert J. and Sobbe, I.H. 2006. Bite me: Thylacoleo fast food in the Pleistocene Darling Downs. Abstracts, 10th Conference on Australian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics.NaracoorteCaves World Heritage Area,South Australia, 29 March–2 April 2005. Alcheringa Special Issue 1: 461.

6.  Price, Gilbert J. and Webb, G.E., 2006. Stratigraphy, sedimentology and taphonomy of megafauna-bearing fossil deposits of the Darling Downs, southeastern Queensland, Australia. Abstracts, 10th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics, 29 March – 2 April 2005. Alcheringa Special Issue 1: 461-462.

5.  Price, Gilbert J., 2003. Pleistocene palaeoecology of the eastern Darling Downs: Site QML796. 9th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, July 7-11th 2003. Abstracts. 6-7.

4.  Price, Gilbert J., 2003. Pleistocene bandicoots from the eastern Darling Downs. 9th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, July 7-11th 2003. Abstracts. 29.

3.  Price, Gilbert J. and Tyler, M.J., 2003. Pleistocene frog fossils from the eastern Darling Downs, southeast Queensland. 9th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics,QueenslandMuseum,Brisbane, July 7-11th 2003. Abstracts. 18.

2.  Price, Gilbert J. and Sobbe, I.H., 2003. The palaeoecology of Frog Hollow (QML1396), King Creek, Darling Downs. 9th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics,QueenslandMuseum,Brisbane, July 7-11th 2003. Abstracts. 8-9.

1.  Price, Gilbert J., 2002 A taxonomic assessment of Diprotodon (Diprotodontoidea, Marsupialia) and an interpretation of sexual dimorphism within the genus. International Palaeontological Congress 2002, Geological Society ofAustralia. Abstracts, 68: 131.